Topic outline

  • PTO

    The Parent-Teacher Organization at SFX School meets on the first Monday of the month at 8:05 am in the school library. You are always welcome to join in a meeting. 

    Check out our PTO on Facebook for more updates! link to facebook

    Check out the PTO google site for more information and meeting minutes. 

    • PTO Board

      Our PTO Representatives:
        • Amy Wilson--President
        • Laura Heneka--Vice President 
        • Jessica Stone--Secretary
        • Tisha Cone--Treasurer
        • Kathy Meier--Teacher Representative 

      • PTO Mission Statement

        The St. Francis Xavier School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a partnership between parents, teachers and administrators to serve together to enhance and maximize the educational potential of every St. Francis Xavier student.

        • PTO Objectives

          The PTO's objectives are:
          • Raise and administer funds for the purpose of providing additional educational benefits beyond those provided by the School.
          • Provide and promote parent volunteer assistance to teachers as well as dialogue between parents, teachers and students.
          • Promote St. Francis Xavier School in the broader community.
          • Raise parent awareness and promote parent involvement in school issues. 
          • Welcome new parents to the School and promote their involvement in the PTO.